August 1, 2011

Drevecky's in Diego

As my niece Tillie says "Browken Powa Mama!" My sisters computer is broken, and before my mom goes crazy from not being able to see our family princess, I figured I better post some pictures of the Drevecky's visiting me in the always sunny San Diego! 

The first feel of the big sand box!

Watching the sunset

Katie was not such a fan of the beach. A seagull doodooed on her! :o) 

Found some seaweed!

Found some sea lions!

As you can see in the picture, Tillie was quite the star of the beach!
A crowd of ladies seemed to form rather quickly to take pictures of this little bumblebee! 

One little bumblebee taking on the world!

Thank you Katie, Jared, and Tillie for visiting me! I hope you had as good of a time as I did! 

Fawah woves you Oteeah! :o)